Sunday, August 16, 2009

Best of times, not the worst of times

The first 3.5 months of Vivienne's life have been the best times of my life-I never thought I'd get so excited about a little smile-and not quite the worst. While every parent gets (understandably) frustrated and irritated, I found that my biggest concern about being a mom is not as big a problem as I thought.

I was so afraid of how I would handle a crying baby on a lack of sleep, I've never been the most patient person. But, with Vivienne I have found the Lord has increased my heart and allowed me to have greater love and patience for her than I ever thought I could. The lack of sleep has brought be to tears on occasion and have gotten extremely upset at the explosive poopie that ruined her cutest outfit while we were on a trip (twice). However, I have found that being a loving parent has been the best way for me to 'put away my natural man'. The best I received is that this new, little person doesn't know what they're doing-they don't do 'bad' things on purpose. This is the only time in her eternal life that she will be an infant in this body and it is my job to try to let her enjoy it.