Malcom has slowly started to figure out that pooping in the middle of the night is not ideal; I really hope that is a trend that keeps up because I don't like getting up to change 3 poopie diapers when I should be snuggled in my bed. And that's in addition to all the feedings. He sleeps in bed with me most of the night because he wants to eat a lot and it's the fastest and best way to put/keep him a asleep. I love my sleep, especially when I'm waking up frequently. In addition to Malcom's wake-ups, Vivi has recently decided she wants to wake up a lot in the middle of the night, too. What the heck? She hasn't done that since she got settled into her new room! Sigh.
Vivi's also very protective of him, including getting up in a girl's face at the park who was trying to lift the blanket on his car seat to see him. She ran over and put her finger in the girls face and said "Don't touch it!! Don't touch it!! He's sleeping!" The girl looked scared...and she should've been; I thought Vivi was going to push or hit her for sure. There have been lots of other times where people will touch his face and she yells "No touch his face!" because that's what we tell her. Or they ask to see him or hold him and she tells them no. Ok, that last one could be out of jealousy sometimes, but sometimes it's her being protective. :)
We love having Malcom in our home. He is such sweet little baby and really only gets upset when he's hungry or poopie. We love the spirit he brings into our home. He's an amazing boy.
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