Sunday, December 27, 2009

Sick FC

All of us Harringtons have a yucky cold. It's no fun, but it could be worse. Doug got sick on Christmas was Eve and just didn't feel like doing anything. He got better as Christmas Day went on, but still wasn't 100%. The day after Christmas I started getting sick and Vivienne started coughing a little. I sure hope it doesn't turn into anything more than a sniffle.

Christmas with a child is so special! Even though she's only 8 months old, Vivienne had fun opening presents and playing with her new toys (and I'm going to have lots of fun with all her new clothes!). Our Christmas was a modest and humble one, but I was perfectly ok with that. The circumstances that the Savior was born into were also modest and humble and when I'm not focused on all the fluff, I found it easier to concentrate on others this time of year.

Tomorrow is also Doug's and my 4-year anniversary! It feels longer and shorter, but I couldn't be happier. We have an incredibly blessed marriage and family. I can't wait to see what the New Year brings!

1 comment:

Janetta said...

Happy Anniversary you two! Hope you're all feeling well today.