Tuesday, November 16, 2010

It's not all roses

This past week I got a cold. After 2 hours straight of talking on Saturday, that cold turned into a lost voice. No biggie. Kinda funny, actually. Having never lost my voice before, I thought it was funny, anyway. The only time it's a big inconvenience is when I'm trying to yell at Vivienne to put my china tea cup down, etc.

Anyway, not feeling too well, I haven't gotten a whole lot accomplished and frankly don't have the desire to, which doesn't really add to my short-term self-esteem, if you know what I mean. Well, it took another blow tonight the probably addition of a new scar...to my face.

Through a situation that is too tedious to describe in writing, I ended up going to forehead to teeth with Vivi...and Vivi won. As soon as it happened, I grabbed her and felt blood dripping down my head and only stopping at my eyebrow. I didn't know if it was her or me because she was screaming. Luckily, Doug was home and the blood was mine. I now have a nice gouge in my forehead right above my right eye.

I'm hoping it doesn't turn into a scar. Right, smack dab on my face. It totally sucks. Doug doesn't think it's a big deal, but he's a boy and I don't think he understands what it like to have people look at something other than your eyes when they are talking to you (like when guys look at your boobs; am I right ladies?). I KNOW I'm going to catch people looking at it. Ugh. And it could be one of those scars that is super visible for the rest of my life. Not a good day...

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