Wednesday, December 8, 2010

First Apple Cup & Visit to the ER

So this last weekend we took Vivi to a very cold Pullman for the Apple Cup. I think the average temperature while we were there was 25 degrees. Brrrrr! Vivi and I only stayed through the first half the game and then went to the CUB for the rest of the game (where they did NOT have the game on TV, are you kidding me?). We had a great weekend of spending waaay too much money on Cougar gear...mostly for Vivi.

On Monday, Vivi started throwing up. Uh oh. It actually didn't start out real bad, just normal flu-like stuff. But after she had vomited all her food and dry-heaving, she started vomiting yucky brown-ish stuff. I called the doctor after an hour or so of that, and the nurse said it could be blood and we need to get it tested. We took her to the Children's ER with a sample (she provided more sample on the way and in the ER), and sure enough, it was blood she was throwing up. They had to put an IV in her hand to give her some fluids (she was unsurprisingly dehydrated) and tube down her nose. They put the tube down her nose in order to flush saline into her stomach and then suck it back out. They were doing this to see if there was any more blood and, more importantly, the color of it. If there was bright red blood, that would mean she was actively bleeding. The brownish blood meant it was older. After 4.5 hours of her screaming and begging for juice (we couldn't give her any and I felt so bad), she looked much better with all the fluids and had a good time with the fishies in their fish tank while we waited for her prescriptions.

All in all, I think Doug and I handled the situation really well. I try to make my motto 'Don't panic until there's something to panic about,' and even the nurses noticed ('She's handling this really well...and so are you mom and dad.') They were also impressed with Vivi's strength as she resisted the IV, etc. 'atta girl.

Unfortunately, this week is also the first time we all got sick at the same time. Tuesday Vivi was ok, but I think that was mostly the anti-nausea medication because she didn't eat much. Unfortunately, today Doug and I got sick. Really bad diarrhea and some nausea. Luckily, Vivi is still recovering and needed a couple naps. Even better, Marie was willing to take Vivi for a couple hours so I could take a nap. I don't know what we will do when we don't have Marie and Bill right here. We are so lucky.

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