Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Speeding Ticket

Today I got my first speeding ticket. Ever.


We had a wonderful Christmas and, dare I say, even better New Year's weekend. It was great to see family and celebrate everything that's important. This past weekend (New Year's) we went to bed early and slept great...two nights in a row.

Unfortunately, the next two days have been crappy. Sick baby means not very much sleep for me anyway, but it's also very cold in our basement apartment, which means I was more willing to keep her in bed next to me (her blankets rarely stay on her). So, she was cranky, super clingy, I got a ticket, I broke a glass, I am tired, and I am cranky...very short-tempered with her, in fact. In fact, she learned a new word yesterday: cranky.

I too tired to come up with some analogy between my speeding ticket and speeding through life, so I'll leave that up to you. But, there is a lot of stuff going on with Doug applying to grad school, jobs, and more. I've been a little blue despite the beautiful (and cold) weather we've been having...I was actually happy to see the gray clouds today. So, I wrote a little poem about clouds :) (I love writing and may be a closet poet, that's not very good). Here it is:

Today the clouds rolled in
And it was a relief.
They chased away the cold,
Enveloped me with their warmth.
The harsh sunlight was dimmed
And let me see the darker beauty of the garden.
The soft waves of rain soothed my tired mind
Temporarily washing away my inner angst
And welcomed my winter feelings.

Don't laugh, but it made me feel better to be a little creative.

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