Sunday, January 9, 2011


THEY say when it rains, it poors. THEY also say things come in threes. Why can't good things come in threes...why is always bad things?

This week was a really crappy week. Part of it was because I'm all hormotional (my word for hormonal and emotional). Partly because Vivi slept really poorly at the beginning of the week because of her stuffy nose (ie 5 hours of sleep one night and 4 hours of sleep the next). Partly because I got a speeding a ticket. Partly because we got Vivi's emergency room visit bill in the mail. Partly because our laptop is pooping out and we a) might need a new one, which we can't afford and b) meant I couldn't get done some of the very necessary things I needed to do (like edit Doug's BYU application essay and finish my work for the work). And partly because Vivi was super clingy, super needy all week, which wore my patience very thin.

At the worst point of the week I was beginning to rethink our decision to become parents. I wasn't feeling well and finally managed to doze off for a nap...when I awoke to find Vivi with Sharpie in hand. She scribbled all over her sheets, our sheets, my duvet cover, and her new shirt. All I wanted to do was just lay there and even that has now been denied me. I was raging. And good moms shouldn't rage, right? I mean, really it's not that big of a deal. And neither is the fact that both times we came home from work this week, Vivi smelled like coffee because she spilled someone's (cold) coffee all over her. But it still psissed me off. And good moms should get pissed, or rage, or scream at their toddlers right? My only conclusion was that I was not cut out to be a mom.

After a good day on Saturday, where I got to take a nap while Doug took Vivi to the park, I began to realize that I was just having a bad week. A really bad week. And moms are allowed to have bad weeks. It was a blessing to realize that Vivi doesn't just have me; she has her loving father (who she adores) to play with, wrestle, and 'put to night night.' I am so lucky.

I hope this week is better than last week. I still need to mail in my ticket and we need to pay our bills, but we are blessed. I am going to try to spend a little more time focusing on that than all the things I didn't get accomplished because Vivi wouldn't let go of my leg or all the clothes she permanently marked. Still, it helps to get a good night's sleep as we try to save the world...doesn't it moms :)


Brooke Imlay Scheurer said...

This sounds very familar. All. Of. It.
How many times have I thought. "one of us will not survive this parenting experience"? :)
If you need any tips on how to get the sharpie out you can look on:, or you can email me.

Vanessa said...

Thanks Brooke! How bad am I? I haven't even messed with it yet because I figured it was stuck. I'll check out and if I get stuck, I'll email you.

I totally thought she wasn't going to make it through that week, but it's gotten better. Thank goodness for hubbies who can see desperation on a wifey's face!