Friday, April 22, 2011

Home Makeover...bedroom edition

This week was Spring Break, which meant Vivi had a couple days where she had a playmate in her 12 year old (2nd) cousin Olivia. This worked out great for me because as they entertained each other, I got some projects completed. Earlier in the week, Doug had made the comment that all the rooms in the house were looking good since I'd been home more...except the bedroom. So, I took the bedroom on all day Thursday.

Here are some before pics (it was a little messier than it normally it is, but this is how it really looked the morning I started):

Stuff all over the dressers...

The walls looked...icky. Full disclosure, we had more stuff on the walls, but took it down when we started locking Vivi in the room at bed time. And no, we're not bed makers; I guess we never got in the habit since Doug worked graves so one of us was always in the bed.

That's Doug's overflowing closet, dresser (right) and basically a dump space where he used to keep our bills, broken fan/hat holder (left).

It took all day (with a nap/shopping trip break) and a trip to Michael's (so I could spend some birthday money) to transform my our bedroom into this:

I put the decorations back on the walls and cleared off his dresser except a couple books and lamp. I put the bamboo from Michael's in the corder and complemented it with the mirror on the far wall.
I made a little 'WSU Cougar' section for in Doug's space, including a new framed picture of Kyle Weaver (on right of wall). Not to mention I got filtered through all the junk on the dresser!

Doesn't that clear space, look nice!

 My dresser's looking much better, too :) I think we may need to get some curtains for that window next.

The final result again. That's Vivi's bed with all the stuffed animals on it at the foot of our bed. She doesn't like the animals on her bed, but needed to be there for the 'after' pictures. I'm in the process of building her a toddler bed (pics coming soon), which will make everything look even better!

The closets still need work, but all in all, it was a great day's work! It better stay like this for at least a week...:)


Dorian said...

Wow, nice work!

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a huge difference! I am so glad you took pictures :-)

Unknown said...

Good Job! A wonderful birthday gift to yourself. See you soon.