Monday, May 30, 2011

Sharing a Piece of My Childhood

This weekend was a long Memorial Day weekend and we decided to take advantage of it by going up to Mount Vernon for a picnic with my side of the family on Monday. We also added something that was extra special for me...a visit to Rosario Beach on Whidbey Island on Sunday evening.

My dad (Jerry) used to take my sister and I to Rosario Beach all the time and we loved it! There are great skipping rocks, tide pools, hiking, and it's just beautiful. It holds a special place in my childhood heart. I have so many pictures of me as child here and it's wonderful to start my own collection of pictures with my own daughter. Rosario was also the beach where I took Doug when we were dating and freaked him out because he thought I was putting a crab on his back...really it was just a little tickle, but he screamed anyway. Because Sunday was supposed to be nice, I thought it would be fun to take Vivi to Rosario to see if we could find some crabs of our own...and we did.

The evening was beautiful!
We found lots of little hermit crabs in the tide pools (even though the tide was quite high)! She agreed to hold the crabs after we told them it tickled...and she really thought it tickled.
Doug did a good job of keeping the crabs on her hand, but they also climbed her sleeve, which she said was 'Funny!' As you can see, they weren't very big, but they were fun.
Doug took her further out than I trusted my pregnant body to go, but that's ok because I think I got some treasured shots of this loving father-daughter adventurous duo.
Can you tell she loves her papa? They are really special together and I love to watch their bond and relationship grow.
Hiking up a little trail from the tide pools. My heart stopped a couple times because of that drop-off and knowing how Vivi is prone to just taking off. But, Eagle Scout/Papa Doug did is job in always holding her hand and keeping her on the inside of the trail. Gorgeous view, right?
After an hour-plus at the beach it was time to go to grandma and grandpas for the evening and to stay the night. They got out on the trampoline with her and she loves to 'jump' so she loved every minute!
Vivienne loves to swing almost as much as she does to jump, so she was excited to Nana Anne as a 'swing buddy!' We had such a great time and I love documenting these special moments. I know everyone thinks their child is special, but Vivienne has a spark, love, light, intelligence, and humor that I think truly makes her a special Child of God.

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