Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Welcome to Two-Year Old Land

On Friday, Vivienne officially turned two (although we suspect she's got an old soul and has been two for awhile)! We celebrated with pizza, cupcakes, and a righteous two-year old tantrum in JoAnne's Fabric before we headed to lunch with Doug. Oh yeah, she's never thrown a fit like this in public and it was comical (later) that it was occurring on her 2nd birthday. I took her to Third Place Books in Lake Forest Park where they have a huge chess set; she had a lot of fun moving those big guys around (she kept saying 'Heavy!'); you will be happy to know that she always lifted with her legs :)

Thank goodness she got over the 2-year old fits (mostly) to have a nice quiet dinner at home with mummy and papa:

She LOVED the chicken, bacon stuffed pizza we got her. Can you tell?
And a birthday cupcake...and by cupcake I mean frosting. She only ate the frosting.
On Saturday we went up to Mount Vernon for a May birthday/Mother's Day celebration with cousins Hailey (who's birthday is May 16) and Wyatt, Aunts Celeste and Derge, and Nana Anne and Grandpa Roger (May 20 birthday). I got an ice cream cake because Vivi LOVES ice cream and prefers it to regular cake, so the girls got to blow out candles to an ice cream cake together!
A big ol' piece of ice cream, fudge and cookie makes for a happy birthday girl.
On Sunday we had another May birthday/Mother's Day celebration with Doug's side of the family. It was an interesting day because Marie had been in the hospital the night before (and had been busted out earlier that day unbeknown to us) and Aunt Mary broke her foot the night before. We all went to Mary's while she laid on the couch all drugged up and while Marie couldn't consume anything other than clear liquids. We had a lovely time just being together and Vivi got some wonderful birthday gifts, including this suspended bouncy horse from cousin Lala and Aunt Mary! She named it 'Awesome!'
Sunday was Mother's Day and I insisted on getting a picture with my girl before we got out of our church clothes because I don't have many pics with her (I'm usually behind the camera). I think I see a resemblance, do you?


Anonymous said...

Cute! Officially two!

Lisa said...

You are such a cute pregnant mommmy! And yes, I see a resemblance.