Sunday, June 12, 2011

Dearest Baby Boy

A letter from mummy to baby boy Harrington due to be born Aug. 9.

Dearest Baby Boy Harrington,
You should be here in about two months and I am so excited to meet you. I hate to admit it, but sometimes I have to remind myself that I am excited to meet you and that you will bless my life with even more love than I already have. You will only be in my tummy for two more months (actually waaay longer than it sounds) and I just took my first 'belly' picture of you today. I think by this time with your sister, I'd had at least 2-3 pictures taken. It's not that I love you any less than your sister, it's just that...well, I'm fatter. Apparently, you only weigh four pounds and are the size of a large jicama (whatever that is); I've put on more than 30 pounds and my previously stretched abdominal muscles are letting you have your space. Not exactly something I want to remember forever. Besides, it's when you get here that all the important pictures will be taken.

About 32 weeks; don't look at my head.
Honestly, my precious baby boy, being pregnant the second time is not as fun as it was the first time. It's not your fault at all, and, so, I'm trying to be positive about it. But: my pelvis hurts a lot more and earlier than it did last time, which means mummy has been walking with a waddle the last several weeks; getting out of bed is physical test and, many times, very painful. I actually had to buy some Tums for heartburn a couple weeks ago (which I have only taken once, so you must have gotten the hint). My back pain has gotten better, but it's still more sore than it was with Vivienne. Not to mention I will have to spend most of the summer larger (and larger and larger) and not in charge seeing as you have a very bossy sister. Oh, and yesterday I got the worst charlie horse I ever had! I had to scream for your dad to come in from the bathroom so he could do SOMETHING (the little massage he gave worked). Again, totally not your fault, but I don't get charlie horses unless I'm pregnant.

That's the other major difference. I love feeling you move around knowing that you are sparking with life. But, I don't really get much of chance to just sit and enjoy it much because I'm also chasing your sister or just trying to fall asleep (you tend to get very active whenever I roll over). However, every time I feel you move, I am reassured knowing that you are in there and growing strong. Thank for those frequent reminders (seeing as it seems like you are ALWAYS moving).

I try not to complain and today I was reminded that in a tiny way, my sacrifice is similar to that of the sacrifice the Savior made for all of us. Through his physical pain we are all given life. On a much smaller scale, through my physical pain and discomfort I get to give you life. This realization was humbling and made me love you that much more. I don't know what we'll name you yet, but I know that you are mine and I love you more than you can understand. Your father and sister are also very excited to meet you. Your father wants me to tell you to enjoy the time you have left in heaven; learn as much as you can from your loving Father in Heaven and Christ. Bring that spirit here with you like your sister did. You have a loving family waiting here for you when you decide to make your appearance.

I'm tired of wondering what life will be like when you get here, how Vivienne will react to you actually being here (and taking her spot in our bed), what it will be like to have boy, and more! Get here as soon as you can, while still being as healthy and strong as possible. We are taking very seriously the responsibility we have to raise you up the right way, to prepare you for a mission, to be a good man, put your sister in her place, and more. We know we will have so much fun, too! I love you. See you sooner than I'm probably prepared for, but not soon enough as far as my body is concerned.


P.S. if there's anyway you can make the labor to come into this world easy on me (at least relatively painless and as short or shorter than your sister's), you'll get brownie points with me.


Lizzie Burrie Hart said...

Vanessa, you are hilarious. You are such a good mom and a strong spiritual (and spirited) women. Having a boy is tons of fun, and the next couple months will go by faster then you remember them before!

Anonymous said...

AH! Belly! So cute!

Child Family said...

I think you look great! being prego is hard. The first two was miserable for me!! So maybe if you have a third it will be a lot better. I am enjoying being prego this time, which is wierd! hang in there.