I haven't been as good about writing lately because I've been sooo busy! Doug's little cousins and aunt and uncle were in town all last week and it was so much fun to be with them. Vivienne LOVED playing with all the kids, especially their 12 year old boy named Bowie, whom she affectionately called 'Bo Bo.'
The weekend they got here we had a family reunion up at the Ranch, which is some property with cabins Doug's grandma owns in Day Creek. It was all fun (Vivi showed off her dancing moves and hogged the mic at kareoke), but the most meaningful moment came when we all got together in front of the Hayes Hideaway cabin, which has been the family cabin for more than 40 years. By the end of the summer, that property will be sold and the cabins torn down. I was sad at the thought of that even though I've only been up there a couple times.
As I thought about it, though, I realized that's just part of the plan. Marie and Ken bought that property as a place for their posterity to go, but also as an investment. After many years of enjoyment, the time has come for the plan to come full-circle. There's nothing wrong with that. But now, I think, it's time for the next generation for parents and future grandparents (myself included) to do something similar. Maybe not by 120 acres of wilderness, but create our own traditions for our own posterity. Nothing lasts forever and so I cannot be disappointed when it ends, but I can forever relish the memories of what we created.
Now I just have to figure out what that is...
I've worked full-time as a program director for the YMCA for the last 4 years, right out of college. Now, it's time for me to stay home and work for my toughest boss: my one year old, Vivienne. The only problem is I have no idea how to do it...Join me as I take on my new career, give me advice, answer my questions, and follow me as I stumble through this new adventure as our family becomes a single-income home managed by a mom who has no idea what to do with a 1 year old day in and day out.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Day at the Beach
My first week at home was a success. I had a couple failed meals (asparagus bake=fail, but probably because I don't like asparagus) and meltdown at the women's Sounders game we went to, but all in all I think we're all on our way to eating cheaper and healthier, Vivi is loving getting out and about, and I'm enjoying attempting to get my house in order a little bit at a time. I'm also starting to read more! My first book: "Eve and the Choice made in Eden: because I'm trying to make up for spiritual upliftment I miss out on in church, etc. with Vivi and being in nursery.
I had a moment where it all hit me on Friday: I love being home...so far. There are times I don't like it and I think the paramount issue right now is getting Vivi to not be so clingy; if I'm in the same room and she's not right next to me, she will stop what she's doing and move to be right next to me (or on me). If I'm in the other room, she pulls herself away from whatever she's doing (even if it's the only few minutes of Baby Einstein I let her watch per day--only about 10 per day as I do her hair and cut her nails), cry, and come get me. What's a mom to do?!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Ok, so I planned on having my whole house completely cleaned by the end of stay-home day two...but I'm not even close. My front room still looks like a hurricane hit it (we call her Hurricane Vivi), there are still dishes in the sink, and the laundry is folded but not put away.
Maybe I'm trying to pack too much fun and sun into the day, but some of this is the result of logistics: we live in a one-bedroom apartment and my husband work weird hours, so it's hard to find a time to put the laundry away. Often, Vivi takes naps in her swing, which is in the kitchen, so I can't clean up when she's in there.
Vivi also needs work on entertaining herself so I can get stuff done. However, I have trouble leaving her alone even for a minute. If she's in the front room, I feel like I need to be in there to keep an eye on her...even though the stuff I need to do is in the bedroom. Is there an age or development milestone where I should feel comfortable not having my eyes on her all the time at home? I mean, she does put EVERYTHING in her mouth...ideas?
Maybe I'm trying to pack too much fun and sun into the day, but some of this is the result of logistics: we live in a one-bedroom apartment and my husband work weird hours, so it's hard to find a time to put the laundry away. Often, Vivi takes naps in her swing, which is in the kitchen, so I can't clean up when she's in there.
Vivi also needs work on entertaining herself so I can get stuff done. However, I have trouble leaving her alone even for a minute. If she's in the front room, I feel like I need to be in there to keep an eye on her...even though the stuff I need to do is in the bedroom. Is there an age or development milestone where I should feel comfortable not having my eyes on her all the time at home? I mean, she does put EVERYTHING in her mouth...ideas?
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Ok, so day one went pretty good with the help of some awesome weather and Vivienne's on-again, off-again boyfriend Miles (until he tried to push off a hug that lasted to long and Vivi hit her head on the curb...she's too friendly, maybe that'll teach her :) at the beach.
I wonder about her 5pm nap. Do other kids take 5pm naps? If we are home, Vivienne will take a morning nap (usually around 9:30am), afternoon nap (1pm-ish), and then again around 5pm! I've tried to get her away from this 5pm nap, but she really needs it; as in she falls asleep in the car if we're driving anywhere, won't eat dinner until after the nap, etc. Even with this nap she still goes to bed around 7:30pm or so. The only nap I think I could phase her out of is the morning one, but we'd have to be out doing something really entertaining for her not to meltdown. Each of these naps is usually about an hour (1.5 hours max, normally). I figured if I got rid of one of the naps (ie the evening one) she would sleep better at night and take longer naps during the day. Is it worth it or should I just let her determine her own schedule? It'd be nice to have a couple hours at a time to do me stuff...
I wonder about her 5pm nap. Do other kids take 5pm naps? If we are home, Vivienne will take a morning nap (usually around 9:30am), afternoon nap (1pm-ish), and then again around 5pm! I've tried to get her away from this 5pm nap, but she really needs it; as in she falls asleep in the car if we're driving anywhere, won't eat dinner until after the nap, etc. Even with this nap she still goes to bed around 7:30pm or so. The only nap I think I could phase her out of is the morning one, but we'd have to be out doing something really entertaining for her not to meltdown. Each of these naps is usually about an hour (1.5 hours max, normally). I figured if I got rid of one of the naps (ie the evening one) she would sleep better at night and take longer naps during the day. Is it worth it or should I just let her determine her own schedule? It'd be nice to have a couple hours at a time to do me stuff...
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
The start to a new life!
Tomorrow is the beginning of my new life as a stay-at home mom (well, I'll still be working out of the home 1 day a week). Being at home and doing home-y (not homie) things is not my forte, so I am not quite sure how to go about doing this. I can't cook, I can't sew, I can't bake, I'm not a cleaning freak, I'm not artsy crafty...I don't know what to do with my 14 month old!
The reason we made the decision for me to stay home with Vivienne because she needs her mom at home with her, but, unfortunately for Vivi, her mom is not sure what to do with her all day, every day.
I did learn a thing or two in my years of directing and managing and one of those things is prioritizing. The first order of business for this newly home-bodied mum and baby is to establish a routine! I was so fortunate to bring Vivi to work with me the last year. However, my varying work hours meant Vivi's nap times, meal times, and bed times are all over the place! Sometimes she takes 1 nap a day, sometimes she takes 3 naps a day (it all depends on what we're doing that day). Her routine consisted of 2 hours of commuting, play time in the pool, running around the front desk, and playing with all the staff at the YMCA.
This constant entertainment and lack of routine also meant she hasn't really learned to entertain herself. She always wants to be held, played with, and (at minimum) watched all the time. This also needs to be remedied. I think if we can get into a good routine at home, some of this will fix itself, but I'm not exactly sure what a good routine for a 14 month old is. Any ideas? Do I put her down for a nap any time she's tired or keep her awake for an established nap time? Should we play at home in the morning and do fun things (like go to the beach) in the afternoon? Does any of it matter? Advice from all experienced mums is welcome...and needed!
The reason we made the decision for me to stay home with Vivienne because she needs her mom at home with her, but, unfortunately for Vivi, her mom is not sure what to do with her all day, every day.
I did learn a thing or two in my years of directing and managing and one of those things is prioritizing. The first order of business for this newly home-bodied mum and baby is to establish a routine! I was so fortunate to bring Vivi to work with me the last year. However, my varying work hours meant Vivi's nap times, meal times, and bed times are all over the place! Sometimes she takes 1 nap a day, sometimes she takes 3 naps a day (it all depends on what we're doing that day). Her routine consisted of 2 hours of commuting, play time in the pool, running around the front desk, and playing with all the staff at the YMCA.
This constant entertainment and lack of routine also meant she hasn't really learned to entertain herself. She always wants to be held, played with, and (at minimum) watched all the time. This also needs to be remedied. I think if we can get into a good routine at home, some of this will fix itself, but I'm not exactly sure what a good routine for a 14 month old is. Any ideas? Do I put her down for a nap any time she's tired or keep her awake for an established nap time? Should we play at home in the morning and do fun things (like go to the beach) in the afternoon? Does any of it matter? Advice from all experienced mums is welcome...and needed!
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