Sunday, July 11, 2010

Day at the Beach

So, last week we went to the beach... twice! It was pretty fun. But the funniest part was when we got out of the water at Magnuson Park. Vivi was getting fussy and I figured it was time to go, but as soon as I got her changed into some dry clothes, she was perfectly content just laying there on the blanket, watching the ducks swim by and the people walk past. She even had some company on her beach blanket when Miles laid down, too (Vivi immediately tackled him).

My first week at home was a success. I had a couple failed meals (asparagus bake=fail, but probably because I don't like asparagus) and meltdown at the women's Sounders game we went to, but all in all I think we're all on our way to eating cheaper and healthier, Vivi is loving getting out and about, and I'm enjoying attempting to get my house in order a little bit at a time. I'm also starting to read more! My first book: "Eve and the Choice made in Eden: because I'm trying to make up for spiritual upliftment I miss out on in church, etc. with Vivi and being in nursery.

I had a moment where it all hit me on Friday: I love being far. There are times I don't like it and I think the paramount issue right now is getting Vivi to not be so clingy; if I'm in the same room and she's not right next to me, she will stop what she's doing and move to be right next to me (or on me). If I'm in the other room, she pulls herself away from whatever she's doing (even if it's the only few minutes of Baby Einstein I let her watch per day--only about 10 per day as I do her hair and cut her nails), cry, and come get me. What's a mom to do?!

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