Thursday, July 8, 2010


Ok, so I planned on having my whole house completely cleaned by the end of stay-home day two...but I'm not even close. My front room still looks like a hurricane hit it (we call her Hurricane Vivi), there are still dishes in the sink, and the laundry is folded but not put away.

Maybe I'm trying to pack too much fun and sun into the day, but some of this is the result of logistics: we live in a one-bedroom apartment and my husband work weird hours, so it's hard to find a time to put the laundry away. Often, Vivi takes naps in her swing, which is in the kitchen, so I can't clean up when she's in there.

Vivi also needs work on entertaining herself so I can get stuff done. However, I have trouble leaving her alone even for a minute. If she's in the front room, I feel like I need to be in there to keep an eye on her...even though the stuff I need to do is in the bedroom. Is there an age or development milestone where I should feel comfortable not having my eyes on her all the time at home? I mean, she does put EVERYTHING in her mouth...ideas?

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