Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Perfect Day

Yesterday was such a great day and, dare I say, a perfect day. And I don't mean perfect perfect as in some minor things didn't go wrong, but it was exactly the kind of day I hoped to have when I started staying home more.

Normally, I go to work on Mondays, but that didn't happen this week. Doug doesn't go to work until 10pm, so it was like we had a long weekend together! Vivienne let us sleep (with much kicking and rolling around) until about 9am. We got up and ate breakfast together, which never happens. We've been having beautiful sunny (but cold) weather, so the three of us went outside and played (kicking and throwing the soccer balls, of course). Vivi and Doug took a 1.5 hour nap right as scheduled (after we ate lunch together), so I got lots of work done. In fact, I got my day's work done by 5pm, which left the evening open to work on other things. Dinner was yummy and easy and the kitchen was cleaned up right after. Vivi and I played while Doug took another nap and then went to sleep without at hitch at 7:30pm.

Like I said: perfect. I know there's nothing glamorous or dazzling about this day, but it was incredible to have some time where none of us felt any kind of stress, pushing, pulling, etc. and just got to have fun together. Not only that, but Doug voluntarily did things like just wipe down the counter and take out the garbage/recycles with Vivi (he calls that 'going on a field trip' with her). Not only that, but Vivienne was a peach almost the whole day! Oh, and she pooped in the potty! I couldn't believe it, but I put her on the potty after her nap and she pooped! I was so excited!

Doug and I spent so much time apart our whole married lives that I really cherish days when we can just focus on family. With our crazy schedules, me commuting 2 hours every day, Doug being in school, etc. we would go days without seeing eachother. While staying home has been tough on the pocketbook sometimes, it's been soothing for the heart. Vivienne loves seeing her papa, I love seeing her papa more, and it's been so good for our marriage just to be around eachother more. Many times when we saw eachother, it was all business because that's what we had time for. Now, we actually get to goof around, relax, and just be us. It really is a testiment to the fact the Heavenly Father does want what's best for us and he'll let us know which way to go if we ask...and then listen and obey.


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