Sunday, October 17, 2010

She's so smart

I find myself being very careful about the things I do and say...usually after I realize she saw me do something I wouldn't want her to do. I'm pretty sure one of the reasons she throws her food is because she sees me throw things into the garbage. One day she came over and hit me after she saw Doug smack my butt. It's a fine line :)

She's got about 20+ words, including: cheese, please, shoes, teeth, nana, grandma, grandpa, bummer (our warning word of choice), bye bye (which she says over and over as we're leaving), hello (not hi), juice, book, ball, and boobs (when she wants to nurse as mentioned in my previous post...that's one of those things we should've been more careful about saying around her).

She can now also properly point to and identify all facial features, including ears! She can definitely understand more than she can say, which is frustrating for everyone. But I am happy when she understands (and does) put things back when I ask her to, to take something to papa (Doug), and puts something in the garbage for me (that SUPPOSED to go in the garbage). She put of her small toys in the garbage today and I couldn't find it without digging through everything so I just left it. Unfortunately I wasn't so lucky when she threw her sippy cup in the garbage yesterday. Gross.

She peed on the potty 5 of the last 7 days, which is great. I wouldn't say we are training right now, but I'm trying to get her comfortable with being on the potty and show her how exciting it is to do her business on the toilet. I will continue to put her on the potty when she wakes up for the morning and naps for a while longer until she shows me (I don't know how exactly) that she's ready for the next step. I would love to have her completely trained before she's two. Wishful thinking?

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