Monday, February 14, 2011

Pressure Cooker

So lately I've been feeling lots of pressure...lots of stress. I've really enjoyed working part-time as Marketing Director, which was a new position at our small YMCA. It allowed me to be creative and challenged me to make this position, find opportunities, and have some leadership again (while still being very flexible). Well, last week I found out that in about 2-3 months I won't have this job anymore. I'm very grateful for the time I've had to do this and understand why this change needs to be made on the side of the organization.

But it has me stressed out. Yes, I will miss the money (but I know God has something in store for us and my husband's confidence is reassuring). Yes, I will miss the people (I've been there for 5 years). Yes, I will miss the opportunities to be challenged and creative...but I do not what another part-time job. This is an opportunity to put all my talents, skills, enthusiasm, and passion into what's most important: my home, my family, and my faith.

The stress comes because I'm not exactly sure HOW to do that. For so long, my passion has been my job. Then when Vivi was born, it was her...but still my job, too. Now, this is it. How do I transfer my work-ethic, skills, and passion from my work to my home? Because I think that is the only way I can be truly satisfied being home full-time.

I know I can be happy staying home full-time...I just have to figure out a way to do it my way. I just have to figure out what that way is.

I know I'm over thinking this and I just need to try some things with Vivi and for myself to see what works. But all of this combined with everything else going on in our lives gets stressful when I let it: new baby; are we going to grad school? Which one? Will this job opportunity work out better than we could've ever hoped (the interview process has been more than a month!)? Where will leave? What can we afford? bla bla bla

I know many of you moms have or have had these same concerns and stresses. I'm trying not to let it get to me. I have a wonderful husband who is so supportive of me and reminds what I need to do: just have faith and trust that we've done everything we could possibly do to ensure a bright future and the God will do the rest.


Brooke Imlay Scheurer said...

For me, since I left the "business world", I have found it very catharitic to be in charge of doing our budget and bills. You'd be very good focusing your energy on organizing a mom & me workout class :)
Also, if you end up coming to Provo (fingers crossed), you know you guys are welcome to stay with us while you look for a place to live!

Vanessa said...

Ohhh, good tips! We won't find out about Provo for a 2-4 weeks, but I'll keep you posted! Thanks!