Sunday, February 27, 2011

Teaching Her Early

We had a pretty fun week last week with visits to two sets of grandparents chasing after the snow we were promised in Seattle but didn't get. She learned how to make a snowman and, a more essential truth, that snow is cold even when you eat it!

Earlier in the week we also took a trip as a family to the temple. We wanted to get out of the house, but weren't really sure where to go and since Doug is always talking about just walking around temple grounds with Vivi (teaching her young the importance of the temple in our faith) and he had that afternoon off (he normally doesn't), we headed out to Bellevue. She had as much fun at the temple as she does at the park!

 She wasn't so sure about the statues at first...
 The baby statue freaked her out...

 Walking down the steps with the temple in the background.

 We tried to hide the water from her, but she found it and spent a lot of the rest of the trip trying to get her way through the hedge...

The prophet Joseph Smith taught that if we teach people (including our children) correct principles, they will 'govern themselves.' We had an former bishop who told us that his children had pretty much decided on their faith by the time they were 12 and most of the teaching he did was before that. If that's true for most kids, that means we have less then 10 years to point Vivi in the right direction, so we're starting early...and she seems to be pretty happy with it.

1 comment:

Janetta said...

What good parents you guys are!