Friday, May 27, 2011

For What it's Leavenworth

Last weekend we had the opportunity to go to Leavenworth for an overnight/day trip and we had a blast! Greatest Aunt Mary, Olivia, Grandma Cathy, Nana Marie, and us stayed in a cabin Saturday night (the others got there Friday) and had a yummy dinner at the 59er Diner and Cabins.

 Dinner at the 59er was great. Their shakes were pretty good, although I won't say they were the best I ever had. However, apparently I said 'chocolate' twice when placing my order so they made it extra chocolatey, which Vivi and I both appreciated.

She also quite liked the heap of whip cream and sprinkles. Doug got an Oreo shake and that was pretty good, too.

Dinner consisted of a yummy BBQ burger for me, nachos for Doug and 'Wet' fries for Vivi. It's like 'poutine' for those of you on the East Coast, and for those of you who are not, it's fries with gravy on top...although it could've used the cheese, too. I'm not exaggerating when I say she pretty much ate the whole plate of fries by herself (she let people try one and I had a couple, but that was Vivi's dinner...aren't we great parents?).

Here's Olivia and Vivi...I think Vivi's getting close to fry drunk.
When we got back to the cabin, Vivi was more than happy to be the center of attention. She put on a show for everyone...even if it just meant standing on bucket in the middle of the kitchen while we tried to play Apples to Apples. We thought it was hilarious, so she got her audience.
After a very unsuccessful night's sleep (the cabin had no doors to separate the sleeping areas), we headed into Leavenworth. We were lucky enough to find out about 'Smallwoods' just outside of Leavenworth. This place was great! It had petting farm, little tractor rides, an area for kids to ride little bikes, a maze, etc.

We had so much fun petting all the animals! Doug was very diligent about making sure Vivi's hand was flat as she fed the goats, mini cows, llamas, donkeys, sheep and more!
They had little food dispensers where you could get feed for 25 cents...this one ate our quarter, but we just went inside and got another bag of food for $1. The petting farm also only cost $1 per person to get into. What a great deal!
I think Doug had just as much fun as Vivi.
This bunny was sleeping, so Vivi sat down next to it and told it to wake up. There were ducks and geese and all sorts of other things...
After going into Leavenworth for German lunch, the hat shop and hearing some Bavarian music, we headed out of town but stopped at the fish ladder on our way. There was a good little nature walk. Here, Doug is explaining what a certain bird looks like...
I can't get enough of the pictures of Vivi and Doug holding hands. She was so tired by the time we left for home, but we had such a great little trip...we'll have to do it again!


Jane said...

Adorable last shot! What a fun trip! We'll def have to do this soon too, thanks for the heads-up.

Jane said...

That's me Janetta using my SeeJane account...