Monday, May 16, 2011

To Wait and Work

Yes, this is a mid-day post, but not the bad kind. Our local YMCA has a great child watch that parents can utilize while they work out. Or don't. My back and abdomen have really been bothering lately, so I've decided to lay off the work outs, but I still want Vivi to get that kids interaction...and for me to get a break from her for 1.5 hours. So here I sit, with my book and netbook and I was reminded of a thought that occurred to me last week.

It seems, as a mom, I spend a lot of time either just waiting around not doing much at all (fretting about how much I'm not getting done) or I'm going at 60 miles-per-hour (still not getting enough done). For example, here at the Y, she's having a great time...ok a time (because she's being held)...for at least an hour, but I'm not at home to get done most of what I need to get done. I'm enjoying this time by myself, but really I'm just waiting around.

However, I know as soon as I get her back, I'll need to put her shoes on, get her coat on her while she's walking down the stairs eating the cracker I just gave her, and trying to reach the sippy cup in the diaper bag because she wants a drink. Then we'll go home where I'll try to keep her busy while simultaneously trying to make dinner. Etc, etc. You know what I'm talking about.

Sound familiar?

Maybe I haven't learned to properly utilize my time as a stay at home mom yet, but I often wonder what I could do that would be productive during those waiting times and usually come up with nothing. I mean, what can I do while I watch her in the play area at the mall that would make my 'list' any shorter? Or while she's bouncing on her new bouncy horse upstairs (for 5 minutes); usually just toss a load of laundry in and that's it. Yes, I (sometimes) wash the dishes while she's eating, but I actually prefer not to because she likes to climb up and get involved which just makes it harder. So I usually sit there and eat, too, or just putz around.

Waiting or crazy busy. There just doesn't seem to be a way to get ahead (ie do some of the tasks on my list while I'm waiting around) or try even out the workload. This kind of bothers me, but in a way it doesn't. I actually got used to this because my work at the Y was so seasonal that my workload really fluctuated. Sometimes I'd have to work a couple weeks of 10-12 hour days...and then there would be days where I just didn't have much to do at all. Should I be bothered by this or is this normal?

1 comment:

Lizzie Burrie Hart said...

Don't fret! I haven't figured out yet how to use my time properly as a stay at home mom either. IT seems like there are days where I don't ever get anything done.