Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Ok, so day one went pretty good with the help of some awesome weather and Vivienne's on-again, off-again boyfriend Miles (until he tried to push off a hug that lasted to long and Vivi hit her head on the curb...she's too friendly, maybe that'll teach her :) at the beach.

I wonder about her 5pm nap. Do other kids take 5pm naps? If we are home, Vivienne will take a morning nap (usually around 9:30am), afternoon nap (1pm-ish), and then again around 5pm! I've tried to get her away from this 5pm nap, but she really needs it; as in she falls asleep in the car if we're driving anywhere, won't eat dinner until after the nap, etc. Even with this nap she still goes to bed around 7:30pm or so. The only nap I think I could phase her out of is the morning one, but we'd have to be out doing something really entertaining for her not to meltdown. Each of these naps is usually about an hour (1.5 hours max, normally). I figured if I got rid of one of the naps (ie the evening one) she would sleep better at night and take longer naps during the day. Is it worth it or should I just let her determine her own schedule? It'd be nice to have a couple hours at a time to do me stuff...


Brooke Imlay Scheurer said...

Yay for SAHM life! It is quite an adjustment. Reagan is almost two, and if I were honest, I'd admit that there are days when I'd rather go in to the office than stay home. But that stage of my life is over :)
As far as sleeping goes; I highly recommend the book: Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child. Skip the first 200 pages-ish.
For me, the book was very helpful in describing a typical schedule based on the age of your child.

When it comes to filling the other hours of the day... I try to take Reagan on a fun "outing/excursion" once a week. We go on lots of walks around the neighborhood. And yes... We watch DVD's together (Little Einstein's, Mickey Mouse, Baby Signing Time).
Hope that helps!

Vanessa said...

I'll have to check out that book! Her schedule seems to work for her, but it just seems weird that she takes 3 naps a day!

What kinds of things do you do when it's just a regular 'stay at home' day? She's too young for crafts and stuff, so I've been trying to find fun things that are easy and age appropriate to keep her engaged...

Brooke Imlay Scheurer said...

Up until about 18 months Reagan took two (long) naps every day. Now she's two and we are down to one (2-3 hour) nap a day.
If V isn't giving you trouble about sleeping at night, then I'd say don't worry about how many naps she is taking during the day.

As far as age-appropriate activities... I am SO not the person to ask. Janetta is going to be a way better source of info. for this topic. :)
Reagan and I do a lot of shopping together. I am not a crafty Mom (a lot of the time it is because I don't want to clean up the mess). Reagan loves her magna-doodle=mess free & helped her learn all of her letters. Also, the baby-signing time videos were a wonderful investment for me. They taught Reagan basic vocab, and she'd sit in front of them for enough amounts of time that I was able to start doing my hair, or throw a load of laundry in.