Thursday, October 7, 2010

From Peanuts to People

A lot has happened since my last post, including a trip to Utah that was great, but that's not what this post is about.

I always wondered how parents could get so excited about their child's stumbling steps, their toddlers first attempt to kick or throw a ball to dad (or mom!), their young child's first soccer game, the tedious balley recitals, etc. Now that I am one of those parents, I think I understand why.

I think that reason is the same reason I got all excited when I found my nephew is getting baptized this weekend. Undoubtedly I am more excited to see him and watch him reach this important milestone than he is to see me (I can already see/hear is polite but subued 'Hi Aunt Vanessa' with the possibility of one-arm side hug). Why am I more excited to see him than he is to see me (his super awesome, fun aunt)?! The same reason I get excited when Vivienne climbs up and down the stairs or gets down from the bed on her own.

I remember when Ian was born. And of course I remember when Vivienne was there. I remember before they were here and then one day, poof! New miniature people here on this Earth who weren't here the day before. I remember when Vivienne couldn't do anything. She was just a blob and I couldn't wait for her to smile, laugh, feed herself, etc. Now I can't get her to hold still (even when she's sleeping), she gets her food all over the place, and she has no fear and serious sense of adventure.

That is why parents get so excited about those seemingly 'normal' things and why aunties and uncles are more excited to see their nieces and nephews than the other way around. We remember when they weren't here and we're so grateful they are. We remember when they couldn't walk, but now they're playing soccer. We remember when we panicked about solid foods, but now we're so proud when they eat their vegetables.

With this new realization, I can only wonder more how Heavenly Father feels about us, but know that He loves us more than we know.

1 comment:

Katie said...

I've been thinking about this same thing a lot lately. I know I have a baby developing inside me, and I'm just so proud of her for having fingernails and learning how to blink and breath and getting strong enough to kick so I can feel it. I also have a one year old niece living next door to me, and whenever she learns how to clap or climb or even pick her nose, it is pretty exciting.