Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The start to a new life!

Tomorrow is the beginning of my new life as a stay-at home mom (well, I'll still be working out of the home 1 day a week). Being at home and doing home-y (not homie) things is not my forte, so I am not quite sure how to go about doing this. I can't cook, I can't sew, I can't bake, I'm not a cleaning freak, I'm not artsy crafty...I don't know what to do with my 14 month old!

The reason we made the decision for me to stay home with Vivienne because she needs her mom at home with her, but, unfortunately for Vivi, her mom is not sure what to do with her all day, every day.

I did learn a thing or two in my years of directing and managing and one of those things is prioritizing. The first order of business for this newly home-bodied mum and baby is to establish a routine! I was so fortunate to bring Vivi to work with me the last year. However, my varying work hours meant Vivi's nap times, meal times, and bed times are all over the place! Sometimes she takes 1 nap a day, sometimes she takes 3 naps a day (it all depends on what we're doing that day). Her routine consisted of 2 hours of commuting, play time in the pool, running around the front desk, and playing with all the staff at the YMCA.

This constant entertainment and lack of routine also meant she hasn't really learned to entertain herself. She always wants to be held, played with, and (at minimum) watched all the time. This also needs to be remedied. I think if we can get into a good routine at home, some of this will fix itself, but I'm not exactly sure what a good routine for a 14 month old is. Any ideas? Do I put her down for a nap any time she's tired or keep her awake for an established nap time? Should we play at home in the morning and do fun things (like go to the beach) in the afternoon? Does any of it matter? Advice from all experienced mums is welcome...and needed!

1 comment:

Janetta said...

New blog looks good! We don't have a schedule, aside from nap time. I have been really impressed with how patient you are with Vivi, so I know you guys will get into a good groove soon. See you tomorrow for the lake!