Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Busy, busy

Vivienne is getting to be so much! Today she got into cabinet, pulled out the pots and pans, crawled inside, and shut the door on herself. She thought it was so much fun when I yelled "Vivienne, where are you?" so we did that for about 10 minutes. So cute.

Yesterday wasn't so fun, though. She was one sick baby Sunday night and Monday morning. She was hot and sweaty, threw up all over Doug, was so lathargic, and wouldn't eat/drink anything until the mid afternoon. It was actually scary, but by mid-afternoon she started to become more of herself. We're thinking she either got dehydrated, got too much sun, or swallowed too much yucky lake water when we were at the beach for the a couple hours on Sunday with some friends.

I have been so busy keeping up with my 16 hours a week doing the marketing for the Y, keeping up with Vivienne, cooking healthier meals, keeping our place relatively tidy, doing what needs to be done for a new web site (more on that later), and more. I just wish Vivi would sleep through the night!

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