Monday, August 9, 2010

Terrible two's!

Ok, so she's only 15 months, but this has to be the terrible twos or an ear infection or some serious teething. This past week or so she has not been a whole lot of fun to be around. Not just fussy, but also mean (ok, as mean as a 15 month old can get). She thinks slapping me is fun, she won't let me out of her sight, she cries when she wants sympathy/attention (and then she won't let go of my legs), freaks out when she doesn't get what she wants, and has half her butt hanging out most of the time because she's wriggling all over the place (screaming) when I try to change her diapers. We are going to the doctor tomorrow and I hope they tell me it's an ear infection or something because I'm about to go midevil on this kid.

I did actually put her in momentary timeout today. It kinda worked. She was having a melt down for no reason so I put her against the wall and told her she was going to stay there until she calmed down. It only took a minute or two for her to stop and then start looking around for something to do. That's all I wanted her to do, so I let her go. Granted I had to put her back in timeout 3 minutes later for another meltdown, but the result was the same. So, I would consider that a success!

Unfortunately, our shopping trip to Goodwill was not as successful. She pulled down a box filled with Rice Crispie treats at the checkoutlines (don't store managers know they are creating hell when they put the candy and stuff there where we just have stand there and wait in line?). Luckily, a nice lady helped me put them back (I have a feeling it was more because she felt like she'd look like a jerk if she didn't than because she wanted to...which she should totally would've).

I'm really enjoying taking the time to plan and make meals for my family. Not all of them are really healthy. Doug likes a lot of cheese and got me a recipe book where every recipe has bacon in it (hey, it got him to eat a broccoli salad), but they are still healthier than the frozen/prepared meals we used to buy at Costco. I think all of us, including, Vivienne are enjoying the variety of meals I prepare. For a couple weeks now she hasn't been eating very much, but it's slowly gotten better the last couple days. I still hate cleaning up, but it's not as big of an ordeal because I have more time to do it (ie if I don't get it done right after dinner, I know I can do it after breakfast).

One thing is for sure in all this: we are getting closer as a family and my baby is definitely a stubborn little girl now :)

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