Saturday, August 28, 2010

Hello, Bye Bye

Vivienne has the cutest habit of saying "Hello" when she wakes up for the day (if she's not ready to get up for the day and just wants to nurse, she just cries). Earlier this week when I laid her down for bed, she looked at me and said "Bye bye" before sticking her thumb in her mouth, rolling over, and going to sleep without a peep. It was so sweet.

This week she also discovered our butt cracks. Doug told me that she stuck her finger in his butt crack when it popped out as he bent over; I thought that was pretty funny. The next day, my pants must have been sitting a little low as I packed her diaper bag because she came and did the same thing to me! Not only that, but after I pulled up my pants, she started pulling them down so she could point at my crack again! Hilarious.

She's really good at saying "Hello" to anyone and everyone, especially in the grocery store. Most of the time people are really nice and say "Hello" back, but I have to admit I get kind of upset when she tries over and over to say Hello to someone and they either don't hear her or don't respond. I'm just want to say "Hey, she's saying hi to you and she's new at this, so could you please indulge her!" Anyway, Vivienne always makes friends wherever she goes...people love her.

I've started reading a Love and Logic book, which I love, but I'm not sure I'll be good at. It requires parents to not show anger, but empathy. I think I'm pretty a point. As any parent knows, there's a point where you just start screaming at or with your child. Our situation is made even more difficult because Vivienne doesn't have her room that I can 'send' her to for discipline, that Doug is usually sleeping in our room during key times, and her age. A lot of the concepts are too old for her and the ones that aren't, I can't really implement because of our living situation...and I'm kind of a pushover :)

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