Saturday, August 21, 2010

A day off

Yesterday afternoon I left Vivienne with Doug while I spent the evening instructing a soccer referee clinic in Mount Vernon (about 1 hour North); the clinic continued through Saturday, so I stayed the night at my parents in MV. This meant I got a night and day away from Vivienne! I love my daughter very much, but it sure was nice to get a good night's sleep and sleep in until 7:45am! Today I taught at the clinic all day, went to a youth football jamboree where I watched my niece as a cheerleader, and went to a girls' night at my sister's house for a while.

So this is what it's like to have a life! Ever since I started working full-time at the YMCA, I don't think I've had a 'life.' My work hours were often-times long and almost always in the afternoon, evening, and weekend, which meant I missed most social opportunities. Not to mention the hour-long commute just wiped me out most days.

I will say that I think Vivienne actually improved my socializing opportunities because of all the 'play dates' we did with other kids/moms and now that I'm home more, my schedule is much more flexible (although I'm still exhausted most of the time). However, it's still limiting. The last 1.5 days it was nice to not have to worry about whether it was approaching nap time, whether I brough enough snacks, 'oh crap, she just pooped,' etc.

I'd like to say I missed Vivienne so much that when I got home, my heart melted and I cried when I saw her. But that's just not true. It was only 1.5 days and I know I'll get the opportunity to re-introduce myself later tonight...probably around 2:30am.

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