Monday, August 30, 2010

The things we forget

I'm trying to do a better job of documenting the things Vivienne does more commonly that I may forget down the road because we just take them for granted. For example: Vivi tries to scare people. Really. She yells "Baaahhh!" and gets her hands out and it's a full body convulsion. She loves doing it! Most people either react by pretending they're scared or scaring her back, which usually just makes her yell "Baaaaahhhh!" louder and getting her body even more into it. I need to get that on video.

And she loves books! As you can see from the picture. She says 'Book' (it's a pretty soft 'k') and will bring one to us and then sit herself on our lap (she MUST sit on our laps our there will be issues). She's really good about flipping through them herself. I hope this is a habit we can continue to encourage...although, I don't know if we will have room on our bookshelf for it; she already has her own section of the book shelf!

She loves to dance! We just discovered last week that you can make her start dancing just by saying the word 'dance' or 'dancing;' it's hilarious. She rocks back and forth, will twirl in circles, claps her hands, etc. But her signature move is to put her 'hands in the ayaa (air) like she don't caya (care)'! She'll do that in the car if a song comes on the radio that she likes. A song will come on and see her little hand pop up in my rear-view mirror. We just put her in a foward facing car seat this weekend and now I'm a little worried I'll be busy watching her dance when I should be watching the road.

She doesn't like giving kissies and she's good for the occasional hug, which is funny because she gets hugged so much. Now that I think about it, maybe she thinks she gets hugged, too much :)

She LOVES swimming. On Friday we went swimming with Janetta and Miles and Audrey her boys. She swam the whole hour at the MLT Rec Pavilion! It was amazing. I put a floaty noodle under her chest and kinda supported her legs and she just floated around the pool! She walked into water up to her chest without blinking, fell in face first a couple times without crying, walked, crawled, and jumped into the water! The other really cool thing is that, using an infant lifejacket with a head support, she floated around the lazy river on her back and had so much fun! She such a water baby and I bet she can swim by the time she's two. You can hold me to that. :)

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